Tō Tātou Code of Ethics
Hōnore te Tiriti
Honour the Treaty
Te Tiriti o Waitangi is fundamental
to the operations of Moni Ora.
The principles of
Partnership, Protection & Participation
are reflected in daily practices.
to support staff
All staff are trained & qualified.
Moni Ora ensures all staff have
the appropriate resources and
professional development
to deliver services competently
to the communities of Tairāwhiti.
to talk privately
Total confidentiality in all matters.
Before discussing details with
any third party, permission is
obtained from the client family
according to the provisions of
the Privacy Act 2020.
Noho Haepapa
to be accountable
All staff display
reliability, integrity & accountability,
working as representatives of
Moni Ora when communicating with individuals, families, creditors,
or any other people.
to respect
Respect to all through
manaakitanga & whānaungatanga,
hospitality and connection.
Clients, their families, and whānau
are the experts in their own lives
and maintain tino rangatiratanga,
by leading their own journey and
kōrero along the path to
financial wellbeing.
to support
Support with empathy and
understanding to empower people
to take control of their finances.
assistance to all
without discrimination.
Na roto i te hanga hononga, ka tautoko matau i a whānau kia anga whakamua
Through building relationships, we support people to move forward