Nau mai haere mai, all welcome!
Our services

Moni Ora offers budgeting support to help people plan better to live better.
All services are free, professional, confidential, and emphasise people’s
self-determination and strengths.
Mana motuhake - Mana through self-determination and control over one's own destiny!
Moni Ora is grounded with its roots in te Tairāwhiti community.
The Moni Ora whare has two structural services, budgeting, and kahukura that work together under the coverall title of financial mentor.
A financial mentor will lean into either service depending on what is needed, often drawing resources from both simultaneously.
The strength of the service comes from years of experience, stubbornly high standards, ongoing training programmes, and the networks in the community. The clients are our heroes.

Confidential sessions
Talk privately with a financial mentor about your money.
Face-to-face, phone, online, and home visits are available.
Financial Mentors are another set of eyes that can help give you some options that you may not have already considered and present them in a step-by-step plan that works for you. In other words... a mentor can help you unravel the chaos, understand it, and sort it out!
Sessions are 60 minutes and can include drafting a budget worksheet and a debt management plan.
Many people find that they benefit from 3-4 sessions. There is no set number of sessions, it's up to you and what you want. Depending on your circumstances, a hardship application or an application to NTM for a zero-interest zero-fee loan might take a few more sessions.
After the crisis, a mentor can continue to support with longer-term planning, and building financial knowledge and resilience.

A budget provides the base
to work from.
Make a flexible money plan that includes spending & savings goals and debt repayment.
Learn how to track your spending, and adjust your plan when needed.

Hardship applications
Support with creditor negotiations.
Provide verified statements of financial position for hardship applications.
Hardship applications can include creditors, KiwiSaver, Property Rates, and insolvency options such as No Asset Procedure (NAP), Debt Repayment Order (DRO), and Bankruptcy.

Support with wider issues that
impact cash flow.
Holistic support to address the wider issues that are causing concern.
Sessions can include budgeting support and finding other services to help with non-financial concerns.
MoneyMates Courses
A group conversation that draws on the knowledge in the
room. We learn from each other, to build financial
knowledge, confidence, and resilience.
A facilitator designs bespoke programmes to cover things
that the group wants to know.
Topics may include:
Your Money Personality
Needs. Wants. Dreams. Goals
Keeping track of money
Debt management
Borrowing sensibly
How to save, Compound interest, KiwiSaver
Taxes, entitlements, and where to get help
Paying it forward

Fairer, kinder zero-interest zero-fee loans to low-income New Zealanders who are
working with a financial mentor.
GetControl Debt Relief Loan to help with high-interest & unmanageable debt.
GetAhead Asset Building Loan to purchase essential items.
GetSet Loan is a combination of both.